Friday, June 30, 2006

Donald Keene Is Coming!

Donald Keene, Professor Emeritus of Japanese Literature at Columbia University, author, translator and all around Japanologist will visit Iwate Prefecture on July 8th!

[Symposium announcement at Iwate Nippo Newspaper]

He will speak at the Hiraizumi Cultural Symposium 「平泉文化シンポジウム」 to be held at the Iwate Prefectural Hall 「県民会館大ホール」 in Morioka. The symposium will start at 1:00 and it is free but only 2,000 people can attend so you have to register.

To register send a postcard to -
〒020-8622 盛岡市内丸3ノ7、岩手日報社広告局「平泉文化シンポジウム」

with your name, age, address, occupation and phone number. You can also call them for more information at -

For complete information in Japanese just follow this link to the Iwate Nippo Newspaper.

Even if you are unable to attend the seminar you can learn more about Donald Keene on Wikipedia. The Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture and The Donald Keene Foundation for Japanese Culture are well worth visiting online!


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